Sustainable, responsible and efficient governance

Sustainable, responsible and efficient governance
Kaunis Holding AB is a Swedish public limited company. Kaunis Holding AB's corporate governance is regulated by the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551) and other applicable laws and regulations as well as the articles of association and internal governing documents.
Corporate Governance
General meetings
Responsibility for the company's governance, management and control is distributed between the shareholders at the general meeting, the board and the managing director in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, the Annual Accounts Act and other relevant laws and regulations.
Go to archive and documentationCorporate Governance
Kaunis Iron Board of Directors
The board decides on the company's strategies, resources, capital structure, organization, acquisitions, significant investments, divestments, annual reports and interim reports as well as other overall issues of a strategic nature.
Meet the members of the BoardCorporate Governance
Kaunis Iron Management group
CEO Klas Dagertun leads the management group's work and makes decisions in consultation with the rest of the management.
Meet the Management group