Frequently asked questions about jobs
What qualifications are required to operate a mining truck? And what does the shift schedule look like at the workplace? Here you will find the most common questions – and answers – about working at Kaunis Iron.
What is the salary at Kaunis Iron?
Salaries are determined according to collective agreements. For unionized employees, you are covered by the current collective agreement between the Mining Employers' Association and IF Metall under the Mining Agreement.
For salaried employees, you are covered by the current collective agreement between the Employers' Association of the Swedish Engineering Industries and Unionen, Ledarna, and Sveriges Ingenjörer. Salaries are individually negotiated.
At Kaunis Iron Logistik AB, the collective agreement between the Transport Workers' Union and the Transport Employers (Transport Agreement) applies.
Are there other benefits?
Yes. At Kaunis Iron, we offer advance vacation leave and a wellness allowance of 5,000 SEK per year, which you can use according to the Swedish Tax Agency's regulations.
How are the shifts and workning hours?
Kaunis Iron employs both shift work and daytime work for production staff and office employees.
Drilling, loading, and transport in the mine: 24/7 shift work. Two night shifts (12-hour shifts) followed by one day off, then two day shifts (12-hour shifts) followed by five days off.
Beneficiation plant: Production staff currently work 24/7 shifts. Two day shifts (12-hour shifts), two night shifts (12-hour shifts) followed by five days off. Some of the production staff work only daytime hours.
Kaunis Iron Logistik AB: Various shift types are available. For office employees, we have both shift workers and daytime workers.
If you are considered for a position with us, the recruiting manager will inform you about the relevant shift pattern at the time of recruitment.
How much overtime may people work?
According to the collective agreement, you can work a maximum of 200 overtime hours per year. This can be taken as compensatory time off or paid out.
What qualifications are needed to drive a truck in the mining area?
A driving license (B-license) is the minimum requirement.
What qualifications are needed to drive a truck?
We have an exemption to operate 90-ton units, which requires a CE driving license and a Certificate of Professional Competence (YKB).
Is Swedish a requirement for working with you?
If you will be working in our production, you must be able to understand and communicate in Swedish for safety reasons.
Contact career
Are you interested in a career at Kaunis Iron or have general questions about our operations? Feel free to contact us.
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