Press releases
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1 October 2024, 18:00 CET
Kaunis Iron AB Proceeds with Organizational Changes to Secure Mining Operations in Tornedalen
As previously announced, due to the challenging market conditions, Kaunis Iron AB has now completed the initial union negotiations and is proceeding with a thorough reorganization to streamline operations. Although these actions are difficult, they are necessary for the company to strengthen its business and secure a long-term future for mining in Tornedalen.
11 September 2024, 12:00 CET
Kaunis Iron Adapts Operations to Current Market Conditions
Kaunis Iron is facing a challenging market environment, with falling iron ore prices, global uncertainty, and weak economic development in China, the dominant market for iron ore. To ensure long-term competitiveness, Kaunis Iron is now implementing further cost-saving measures and staff reductions. Negotiations with trade unions will begin shortly.
31 January 2024, 10:00 CET
Record deliveries for Kaunis Iron
Kaunis Iron’s fifth year of business was yet another profitable year, with new record deliveries.The net profit for the year was SEK 690 million.“We can now start realising the vision of a mining industry that generates jobs and growth opportunities in the region for future generations”, says a satisfied Klas Dagertun, CEO of Kaunis Iron.
31 January 2023, 13:06 CET
New record levels achieved in 2022
2022 was a profitable year for Kaunis Iron with new record levels in production, despite an uneasy global market.“We have succeeded with our ambitions and goals”, says Klas Dagertun, CEO of Kaunis Iron.
2 February 2022, 09:58 CET
Kaunis Iron rocks 2021!
Despite a turbulent world market and a long drawn-out pandemic, Kaunis Iron can label 2021 as another fantastic record-breaking year. “Despite large and sudden swings in market prices which are totally beyond our control, through luck and skill we have managed to successfully stay on course despite the challenges we have faced and we can state with confidence that 2021 is our best year yet,” says
13 January 2022, 11:16 CET
Verdict today: Kaunis Iron may continue operations
The Land and Environmental Court says no to the Environmental Protection Agency, and Kaunis Iron may continue its current operations.However the decision limits production increases within the framework of the existing permit.“This is an important decision for all Swedish industry, that a granted permit applies,” says Klas Dagertun, CEO of Kaunis Iron.
15 November 2021, 10:23 CET
Strong local support for continued mining operations!
92 per cent are in favour of mining operations in Pajala.In the age group 18 to 34 no less than 98 per cent are in favour.“It feels very encouraging that continued mining operations in Pajala have such strong local support,” says Åsa Allan, deputy CEO of Kaunis Iron.
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