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    Sustainability reporting and certifications

    Our current ISO certificates

    ISO certificates are above all about assuring work routines and that everything we do maintains good quality. Put briefly, good organisation. Everything needs to be documented and clear and easy to pass on to whoever is to carry out different work tasks.

    External audits ensure that we live up to this by examining our work methods and the way in which we comply with set routines and processes.

    ISO 9001 (PDF)          ISO 14001 (PDF)

    Environmental reports

    An open pit affects nature in a dramatic way. But, apart from the fact that we mine the ore in the mining area, our operations should not have any other direct negative impact on the environment.

    To follow up on our environmental work, we make environmental reports every year, which you can read (in Swedish) below:

    Environmental Report 2023, published 2024-03-27

    Environmental Report 2022, published 2023-04-11

    Environmental Report 2021, published 2022-04-05

    Environmental Report 2020, published 2021-05-05

    Environmental Report 2019, published 2020-05-10

    Compilation of biological and chemical investigations in water bodies around Kaunisvaara in 2006-2018.

    Sustainability reporting

    Our sustainability reporting is part of our annual report and summarizes the company's financial performance, sustainability goals and progress in environmental initiatives. It details our efforts to reduce emissions, improve energy efficiency and promote a sustainable future.

    You can read all our Annual and Sustainability reports here

    Here you find our sustainability policy