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    We sponsor locally

    We aim to be a key force in the development of an attractive and sustainable community where both current and new residents want to live, thrive, and grow.

    We sponsor activities and events that contribute to a vibrant cultural and community life, enhancing the appeal of Pajala Municipality and its surroundings.

    Our sponsorship is also a way to give back to the local community, our employees, and especially the youth in the municipality, who represent our future.

    Our criteria, who can apply for sponsorship:

    Our sponsorship focuses on actions and events:

    • Primarily directed at children and youth in Pajala municipality and surrounding areas.
    • Covering areas such as culture, sports, community development, and innovation.
    • That take responsibility for the environment and sustainability.
    • That promote increased equality and diversity.
    • We prefer sponsorships that lead to long-term impact.

    We avoid sponsoring:

    • Individual persons or teams; we prefer to support at the organizational level.
    • Political and religious organizations.
    • Activities that conflict with the company's values, ethics, and morals.
    • Profit-driven businesses.

    We Sign Agreements with Those We Sponsor:

    • The agreement outlines the expected return on the sponsorship.
    • If the sponsored party fails to meet the terms, Kaunis Iron reserves the right to terminate the agreement, and the sponsored party may be required to repay the sponsorship.

    Find our graphical guidelines here

    Apply for sponsorship using the form below.